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Anatomic study of the main root and stem-root localization and identification of secretor vittae Sphaerosciadium denaense (Apiaceae)

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For the first time studied the structure of the underground organs and localization in their secretor vittae Sphaerosciadium denaense relict and endemic plants listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The root system of the studied species represented the main root and branching weak biaxial stem-root. It was revealed that the morphological structure of the main root is closely related to its anatomical structure - deep taproot type of root system led to strong development of xylem tissue of the conduction system, vegetation on rocky slopes and in rock crevices gave spindle-shaped because of the constant squeezing hardwoods increased layering and wrinkling exfoliated traffic jams. Stem-root has a similar structure to the main root and differences stem-root is reflected in the presence core and of small cell phloem tissue. The main part of the secretor vittaes in underground organs located in the phloem tissue, partly secondary cow parenchyma of epithelial cells in an amount of 6-8, in the main root secretor vittae of different size than stem-root.


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Butnik A.A*, Matyunina T.E., Abdullaeya A.T. and Nigmanova R.N.

Species of the genus Calligonum L. characterized by a high degree of specialization of assimilating organs: cotyledon, leaf, primary cortex, which indicates their high evolutionary position. The adaptation cotyledons and leaves of to arid conditions in the studied species passed through different. In Calligonum junceum (Fish. & Mey.) Litv. morphology and anatomical structure has not been substantially altered since the habitat of this species is confined strictly to gamada; in C. eriopodum Bunge. and C. leucocladum (Schrenk) Bunge. there was a decrease in leaf size and increased its structural signs in connection with the improvement of living environment - vegetation mostly on the sands; in C. microcarpum Borszcz. reduced dimensions of the leaves and its tissues, increased xeromorphic indication to elongation of the growing season.

Affecting Factor on Religion and Happiness in Medical Students, Jahrom, Iran, 2014

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Mohammad Hossein Modabber, Mahsa Noroozi, Mohammad Hassan Davami, Hassan Zabetian, Hossein Hakimelahi, Mohammad Sadegh Sanie, Abdolali Sapidkar, Alireza Yusefi, Abdolreza Sotoodeh Jahromi* and Abdolhossien Madani

Religious attitudes have a significant impact on the psychological aspects of human life. One of the most important aspects of psychological life is happiness. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between religion and happiness in medical students. This descriptive and analytical study was done on 143 medical students in Jahrom University of medical sciences, Jahrom, Iran, 2014. The data were collected by the Oxford Happiness questionnaire and religious attitude questionnaire and obtained data were analyzed by correlation, X2 and Fisher's tests. According to the X2 test, there was no significant association between happiness and religion with gender (P=0.148, P=0.957) and also with regard to Pearson correlation, there was a significant relationship between happiness and religion (p≤0.001). The results indicate that religion and happiness are associated significantly.

Irans Sports federations websites rank according to Webometrics

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Mosab Khosravi*, Fatemeh Abdavi and Abdulshakkor Menbari

The present study was to evaluate the ranking of Iran's Sports Federation Websites according to webometrics. The Statistical Society of this research consists of all Sports Federation website. In this study, Webometrics index scores and Webometrics score were used to rank websites. The findings of the research showed that between ranking websites according to the Visibility, Size and Rich files there is a significant difference, but there is no significant difference between ranking websites according to the Google Scholar index and there is a significant difference between ranking websites according to the Webometrics. Soccer Federation's Web site, best Web based webometric criteria.

The compare of psychopathological profile of single and married women 30-45 years old, working at the Fars Islamic Azad University

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Zhaleh Refahi* and Maryam Ghaderi

Background and objectives: Increasing age of marriage in females is one of the changes that have occurred as a result of changes in the macro-level society. The henomenon of increasing age in females causes damages such as psychiatric disorders. The aim of the present study was to compare psychopathological profile in married and single women. Materials and methods: A sample consists of 240 subjects of single and married women 30-45 years old who work in Fars Islamic Azad University. They were selected by aimed sampling method. The collected data were analyzed by spss and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Result: There is significant different between two group in depression and sensitivity interactive communication. Depression and sensitivity interactive communication in single group was more than married group but in the other subscale of SCL90 wasn't significant different between two group. Conclusion: this study significantly showed psychiatric problem such as depression and interpersonal sensitivity so this emphasizes the need for psychologists and family counselors, and other custodians of family matters to rest the injury notes.

Investigating the Quality of Sports Federations Websites from the Perspective of the Audiences (Athletes, Coaches and Referees)

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Mosab Khosravi*, Fatemeh Abdavi and Abdulshakkor Menbari

The present study aims to investigate quality and factors affecting the quality of the Iranian Sports Federations websites from the perspective of the audiences, including athletes, coaches, referees and the members of sport associations. Statistical population of the research includes all Iranian athletes, referees, coaches and members of sport associations that their related associations exist in Kurdestan Province, including 59859 people. The size of the sample was estimated using Cochran table equal to 266. The study applies a researcher-made questionnaire including 40 questions. The attitudes of the sports management professionals were extracted to assess validity of the questionnaire and to measure reliability of the questionnaire a pilot study was conducted among 30 members of the population. According to the results, Cronbach’s alpha value regarding the questionnaire used to measure quality of Sports Federations websites was 0.785. To investigate the hypothesis of the study, binomial and t tests were used. The findings of the study suggest that the quality of the websites and their quality factors are not satisfactory from the perspective of the audiences.

The Effect of Cobalt Chloride and Chromium Chloride on Development of Mouse Liver during Pregnancy

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Sara Gholami* and Mehri Azadbakht

Cobalt (Co2+) is required as an essential trace element to a variety of metabolic functions such as the synthesis of vitamin B12 in mammals. It was proven that cobalt passes through the placenta to the fetus. Cobalt possesses toxic effect on embryo. Also, Chromium (Cr3+) as an essential element for both animal and human nutrition has antioxidative capacity. In this study we examined the effects of exposure to cobalt chloride and chromium chloride on development of mouse liver during pregnancy. Methods: Pregnant mice received intraperitoneally injection of cobalt chloride and chromium chloride at the concentrations of Co10, Co40, Cr 50, Co10 Cr50, Co40 Cr50 mg/Kg bw on day 14 pregnancy. A group did not receive any treatment and served as control group. After pups delivery, female pups were sacrificed on days 21 and 60 (P21 and P60) and then liver were removed, weighed and examined. Results: Cobalt chloride groups (10 and 40 mg/kg bw) caused a significant decrease in body and liver weights at P21 and P60 (p<0.05(. Light microscope investigations showed that only Co40 mg/Kg bw decreased number of uninucleate hepatocytes and increased number of binucleate hepatocytes and kupffer cells at P21 and P60 (p<0.05(. In addition, size of hepatocyte and their nuclear increased at P21 and P60 only after exposure to Co40 mg/Kg bw (p<0.05(. Co-administration of Co40 mg/Kg bw and Cr 50 mg/Kg bw to mice showed mild histological changes at P21 and P60. Histologically, the Co40 mg/Kg bw administration induced degenerative and developmental changes such as congestion of central vein, fatty changes and pyknotic nuclei in the liver of mice at P21 and P60. Conclusion: Comparative pathology of treated groups show that cobalt chloride in high concentrations affects the development of liver and appears that chromium chloride ameliorates cobalt chloride hepatotoxicity but are not completely protective.

Simultaneous Implementation of STATCOM and SVC to Control the Reactive Power of Hybrid Wind Turbines

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Abbas Khorshidi

The use of the isolated hybrid power systems is being popular due to thecontinuous increasing gap between demand and supply of conventional energy sources and intermittent nature of non- conventional energy sources. Normally, the non-conventional energy source such as wind have induction generator to generate electricity but induction generators require reactive power for its operation and this demand is continuously changing by the variation of load and wind power. The synchronous generator used in hybrid system for generating power through diesel system is supplying reactive power to the system partially; therefore, another source of reactive power is required to fulfill this demand. In this paper, the static VAR compensator (SVC) and static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) using a proportional- integral controller (PI) are used as reactive power compensator. The dynamic performance of SVC and STATCOM are investigated for wind-diesel and wind -diesel-microhydro power systems ate constant slip operation of induction generators. The results show that the STATCOM is a better option than that of SVC for reactive power control of the hybrid system.

The position of counsel for the accused in the preliminary investigation in criminal law and procedure and Iranian Law

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Mohammad Reza Moradi Monfared

Always follow the rules of law and justice and to human society in comfort and security and discipline in their environment to survive. In this study, the counsel for the accused in the preliminary investigation of the issue that has been much written about it and writing books or articles is not yet and subsequently charged with multiple sources and will not be large. In this paper, the rights of the accused which is the main basis Rules of Criminal Procedure. As well as the procedure or process to form a coherent and lead to criminal proceedings have been discussed. Comparative law counsel for the accused in the preliminary investigation of Iran's position and the basic topics of this writing be located the original position of counsel with respect to Articles 128 and 185 and 186 and its note and the Code of Criminal Procedure is studied. Compared with the Additional Note Article 112 of the Code of Criminal Procedure old as nature has taken place.

The position of counsel for the accused in the preliminary investigation in criminal law and procedure and Iranian Law

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Mohammad Reza Moradi Monfared

Always follow the rules of law and justice and to human society in comfort and security and discipline in their environment to survive. In this study, the counsel for the accused in the preliminary investigation of the issue that has been much written about it and writing books or articles is not yet and subsequently charged with multiple sources and will not be large. In this paper, the rights of the accused which is the main basis Rules of Criminal Procedure. As well as the procedure or process to form a coherent and lead to criminal proceedings have been discussed. Comparative law counsel for the accused in the preliminary investigation of Iran's position and the basic topics of this writing be located the original position of counsel with respect to Articles 128 and 185 and 186 and its note and the Code of Criminal Procedure is studied. Compared with the Additional Note Article 112 of the Code of Criminal Procedure old as nature has taken place.

Investigation of decreased activity on NT3 gene expression of male Wistar rat’s sciatic nerve fiber

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Ghysari azam, Rahmati Masoud and Kazemy AbdlReza*

Painful neuropathy is a state that resulted from somatosensory disease or injury and expose affected patients to the various functional complications such as decreased physical activity and its complication like muscular and cardiovascular diseases. Recently, it has been demonstrated that neurotrophin such as NT-3 are vitally for neural growth and development and protect integrity of function and structure of nervous system. In respect to the importance of physical activity in neural plasticity, the object of present study is investigation of chronic effect of decreased activity in the form of spinal nerve ligation on NT-3 gene expression of male Wistar rat’s sciatic nerve fiber. Ten adult male Wistar rats in the weight range of 250±30 gr randomly divided into two groups including healthy control (C), Decreased physical activity (SNL). Over the six weeks, neuropathic pain behavior tests conducted continually in groups. In the end of Sixth weeks, change of NT-3 gene expression in sciatic nerve measured with Real time technique. Behavioral tests demonstrated that spinal nerve ligation induce thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodynia in the SNL group which this decreased pain threshold seen in allover period of study(P≥o.o5). Also in compare to the C group, NT-3 gene expression in sciatic nerve fiber was higher in SNL group significantly (P≥o.o5).In the present study, it was detected that decreased activity in the form of SNL is associated with increased NT-3 gene expression in experimental group. Although it has been demonstrated that increased physical activity induce overexpression this protein in nerve injury models but it isn’t clear what is the difference between increased NT-3 expression in nerve injuries and neuropathic pain with the elevated expression of this protein in effect of exercise training.